Donating to the Studio

When you donate to Academic Writers Studio, you provide support towards DEI work in higher education. Donations enable We’re a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization that relies on enrollments and donations to fulfill our mission.

When you donate to us, it is  tax-deductible and goes where it is needed most: typically to fund scholarships, but also to fund program development and improvement and to keeping the lights on—a.k.a. operating costs.

Our Scholarship Fund offsets participation costs for scholars who can’t afford to pay the full Studio Scholars Program enrollment fee. If you’d like to be sure that 100% of your donation is going to that fund, contact us and we’ll make sure it’s correctly directed.

To donate, please visit our page with the  PayPal Giving Fund. It’s a slightly more annoying, less customizable option—but it saves us from having to pay fees on the amount that you donate. That also means that you’ll get a thank-you email from us, but for tax purposes your actual receipt will be from PayPal Giving Fund.

Clicking the link will take you to our Paypal Giving Fund portal.