Who are the scholars? part 2: confident writers.

This is part 2 of a blog entry on who our Studio Scholars tend to be. Part 1 is here. Here’s the preamble, in case you don’t want to read the other one: I have a confession: I was wrong about who our typical Studio Scholar would be. When we launched Academic Writers Studio and […]
Who are the Studio Scholars? part 1: associate profs

I have a confession: I was wrong about who our typical Studio Scholar would be. When we launched Academic Writers Studio and the Studio Scholars program, we assumed that our core audience would be (1) junior faculty members working toward tenure—because, you know, that’s where the most serious pressure point is—and (2) people who struggle […]
Or … you could start with That One Thing

One of the reasons I love what I do is that, frankly, I could really have used the kind of support I now provide when I was an academic … and I still could. Strangely, I have accumulated wisdom on this topic over the years. People of a certain age may know what I’m talking […]